Tuesday, June 17, 2008


Influenza is a really rampant airborne disease that spreads from person to person through bodily fluids as well as contamnated surfaces or even being around a sick person.

Official webster definition of Influenza:

(1): an acute typically severe respiratory disease caused by an orthomyxovirus (species Influenza A virus of the genus Influenzavirus A) and marked by sudden onset, fever, prostration, severe aches and pains, and progressive inflammation of the respiratory mucous membranes—called also influenza A

(2): either of two usually milder or even subclinical respiratory diseases caused by two other orthomyxoviruses (species Influenza B virus of the genus Influenzavirus B and species Influenza C virus of the genus Influenzavirus C) —often used with the letter B or C to denote the causative species b: any of various human respiratory infections of undetermined cause —not used technically

Influenza (The Flu)- It relates to class because we worked on how to transfer bacteria and we did an experiment that dealt with the spread of bacteria i.e cotton swab, and a second one with recombineing flourescant proteins into bacterias. We could insert flourescant proteins into problems areas that we were able to help if we really had a disease.Influenza is a really rampant airborne disease that spreads from person to person through bodily fluids as well as contamnated surfaces or even being around a sick person.

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