Tuesday, June 17, 2008

How Does Influenza relate to John's 11th Grade Biology Class

Influenza and epidemiology relate to Johns's class because epidemiology is the study of contagious diseases. These effect the immune system of humans as well as animals and the molleculer cell structure because each particular strain of bacteria gets into the cell. Causing the human to become sick and in some cases are a life and death matter as the growth of the bacteria gets worse. We learned that we can manupulate bacteria or lesson of growth of the strain of bacteria, because we learned to change the proteins in bacteria petri dish. In real life, this kind of cell bacteria manipulation can help to make vaccines by targeting problem areas in someone's body. I learned alot from the project where we as a class collected bacteria with cotten swabs all over the school

How is Influenza Diagnosed

Preferred respiratory samples for influenza testing include nasopharyngeal or nasal swab, and nasal wash or aspirate, depending on which type of test is used (see table). Samples should be collected within the first 4 days of illness. Rapid influenza tests provide results within 30 minutes or less; viral culture provides results in 3-10 days. Most of the rapid tests that can be done in a physician's office are approximately greater than 70% sensitive for detecting influenza and approximately greater than 90% specific. Therefore, false negative results are more common than false positive results, especially during peak influenza activity.

During outbreaks of respiratory illness when influenza is suspected, some respiratory samples should be tested by both rapid tests and by viral culture. The collection of some respiratory samples for viral culture is essential for determining the influenza A subtypes and influenza A and B strains causing illness, and for surveillance of new strains that may need to be included in the next year's influenza vaccine. During outbreaks of influenza-like illness, viral culture also can
help identify other causes of illness.

Mainly nasal swabs and naval washes are used in testing through bronhials etc.

Content Source: Coordinating Center for Infectious Diseases (CCID)
National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases (NCIRD)

What are the symptoms of Influenza

Fever (usually high)
Tiredness (can be extreme)
Sore throat
Runny or stuffy nose
Body aches
Diarrhea and vomiting (more common among children than adults)

Influenza illness can include any or all of these symptoms: fever, muscle aches, headache, lack of energy, dry cough, sore throat, and possibly runny nose. The fever and body aches can last 3-5 days and the cough and lack of energy may last for 2 or more weeks. Influenza can be difficult to diagnose based on clinical symptoms alone because the initial symptoms of influenza can be similar those caused by other infectious agents including, but not limited to, Mycoplasma pneumoniae, adenovirus, respiratory syncytial virus, rhinovirus, parainfluenza viruses, and Legionella spp.

How the Flu Spreads:
The flu usually spreads from person to person in respiratory droplets when people who are infected cough or sneeze. People occasionally may become infected by touching something with influenza virus on it and then touching their mouth, nose or eyes.
Healthy adults may be able to infect others 1 day before getting symptoms and up to 5 days after getting sick. Therefore, it is possible to give someone the flu before you know you are sick as well as while you are sick.

Coordinating Center for Infectious Diseases (CCID)
National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases (NCIRD)

Evolution and Ecology of influenza A viruses

Microbiol Mol Biol Rev. 1992 March; 56(1): 152-179

Evolution and ecology of influenza A viruses.

R G Webster, W J Bean, O T Gorman, T M Chambers and Y Kawaoka
Department of Virology and Molecular Biology, St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, Memphis, Tennessee 38101.

In this review we examine the hypothesis that aquatic birds are the primordial source of all influenza viruses in other species and study the ecological features that permit the perpetuation of influenza viruses in aquatic avian species.

Phylogenetic analysis of the nucleotide sequence of influenza A virus RNA segments coding for the spike proteins (HA, NA, and M2) and the internal proteins (PB2, PB1, PA, NP, M, and NS) from a wide range of hosts, geographical regions, and influenza A virus subtypes support the following conclusions.

(i) Two partly overlapping reservoirs of influenza A viruses exist in migrating waterfowl and shorebirds throughout the world. These species harbor influenza viruses of all the known HA and NA subtypes.

(ii) Influenza viruses have evolved into a number of host-specific lineages that are exemplified by the NP gene and include equine Prague/56, recent equine strains, classical swine and human strains, H13 gull strains, and all other avian strains. Other genes show similar patterns, but with extensive evidence of genetic reassortment. Geographical as well as host-specific lineages are evident.
(iii) All of the influenza A viruses of mammalian sources originated from the avian gene pool, and it is possible that influenza B viruses also arose from the same source.
(iv) The different virus lineages are predominantly host specific, but there are periodic exchanges of influenza virus genes or whole viruses between species, giving rise to pandemics of disease in humans, lower animals, and birds.
(v) The influenza viruses currently circulating in humans and pigs in North America originated by transmission of all genes from the avian reservoir prior to the 1918 Spanish influenza pandemic; some of the genes have subsequently been replaced by others from the influenza gene pool in birds.
(vi) The influenza virus gene pool in aquatic birds of the world is probably perpetuated by low-level transmission within that species throughout the year.

(vii) There is evidence that most new human pandemic strains and variants have originated in southern China.

(viii) There is speculation that pigs may serve as the intermediate host in genetic exchange between influenza viruses in avian and humans, but experimental evidence is lacking. (ix) Once the ecological properties of influenza viruses are understood, it may be possible to interdict the introduction of new influenza viruses into humans.
Microbiol Mol Biol Rev. 1992 March; 56(1): 152-179

Infection, Genetics and Evolution

Journal of Molecular Epidemiology and Evolutionary Genetics of Infectious Diseases (MEEGID)Editor-in-Chief: Michel Tibayrenc See editorial board for all editors informationDescription Emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases constitute one of the main challenges to medical science in the coming century. The exponential growth of genetic studies over the last 20 years has greatly increased our knowledge of the transmission and pathogenicity of infectious and parasitic diseases. Within the field of human genetics, research has shown that susceptibility to many infectious diseases (including leprosy, tuberculosis, malaria and schistosomiais) has a genetic basis. Furthermore, much is now known on the molecular epidemiology and virulence of pathogenic agents, as well as their resistance to drugs, vaccines, and antibiotics. Such progress has been made despite the formal and evolutionary genetics of many pathogenic agents remaining obscure. Equally, research on the genetics of disease vectors has greatly improved our understanding of their systematics, has increased our capacity to identify target populations for control or intervention, and has provided detailed information on the mechanisms of insecticide resistance.However, the genetics of hosts, pathogens and vectors have tended to develop as three separate fields of research. This artificial compartmentalisation is of concern due to our growing appreciation of the strong coevolutionary interactions among hosts, pathogens and vectors. It is therefore highly desirable to develop a unified synthetic approach: the "Integrated Genetic Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases" (IGEID). This will involve evaluation of the respective impact of genetic diversity of hosts, pathogens and vectors on the transmission and severity of infectious diseases, as well as their coevolutionary interactions. Infection, Genetics and Evolution - the Journal of Molecular Epidemiology and Evolutionary Genetics in Infectious Diseases (MEEGID) - aims to be the forum for developing this IGEID approach. The journal welcomes articles dealing with the genetics of hosts, pathogens and vectors in relation to infection and disease manifestation; preference will be given to papers considering at least two of these interacting factors.Additional information on the recently launched MEEGID Society can be obtained by contacting Dr. Michel Tibayrenc at Michel.Tibayrenc@ird.fr


Influenza is a really rampant airborne disease that spreads from person to person through bodily fluids as well as contamnated surfaces or even being around a sick person.

Official webster definition of Influenza:

(1): an acute typically severe respiratory disease caused by an orthomyxovirus (species Influenza A virus of the genus Influenzavirus A) and marked by sudden onset, fever, prostration, severe aches and pains, and progressive inflammation of the respiratory mucous membranes—called also influenza A

(2): either of two usually milder or even subclinical respiratory diseases caused by two other orthomyxoviruses (species Influenza B virus of the genus Influenzavirus B and species Influenza C virus of the genus Influenzavirus C) —often used with the letter B or C to denote the causative species b: any of various human respiratory infections of undetermined cause —not used technically

Influenza (The Flu)- It relates to class because we worked on how to transfer bacteria and we did an experiment that dealt with the spread of bacteria i.e cotton swab, and a second one with recombineing flourescant proteins into bacterias. We could insert flourescant proteins into problems areas that we were able to help if we really had a disease.Influenza is a really rampant airborne disease that spreads from person to person through bodily fluids as well as contamnated surfaces or even being around a sick person.


Epidemiology in Biology

  • How does epidemiology as a whole relate to John Santos 11th grade Biology Class?


  • What is Influenza - How long has it been around?
  • How does Influenza tie into the class projects we did this year
  • Influenza on a celluler level
  • Class projects in Biology - bacteria
  • - transfering bacteria
  • - cotton swabs and creating growth amongst bacteria in a petri dish
  • - transfering proteins into the DNA of the bacteria
  • -(Involved at least a night to grow, shaking, heat, submerging in ice, scraping of bacteria contaminating bacteria and patience)